Kybella® Can Reduce Your Double Chin

Waking up in the morning and standing in front of the mirror what do you see? Do you see a double chin where your neck used to be? Seeing that double chin is never a pretty sight and is usually a reminder that you might need to lose a few pounds. However, to tell you the truth it is caused by a number of factors not just weight gain.

Genesis of Double Chins

Double chins are a result of a number of factors. Weight gain is one but there are also other reasons. For instance, a double chin happens when a layer of fat around the neck begins to sag. When this happens it results in a wrinkle and gives the illusion of having two chins instead of one. Truth is you do not even have to be overweight in the first place to suffer from a double chin. There are some people that are just genetically predisposed to having the condition. This means that there is a strong family history of skin with little elasticity. When this happens the skin is unable to hold the fat around the chin properly. Double chins also occur as a result of aging as age brings with loss of muscle. As you age, you lose muscle around the chin area resulting in the skin around it becoming looser.

The Kybella® Solution for Double Chins

The good news is you do not need to suffer from double chins. How can you regain that youthful gorgeous look once more without having to undergo expensive surgeries? The answer - Kybella®. Beautox Bar is proud to offer premium Kybella® injections for double chin reduction. Let us tell you a little bit more about this exciting and effective procedure to get rid of that double chin once and for all.
The face and neck regions can be very problematic when it comes to aging. As a matter of fact a lot of people struggle with signs of aging in this area because the thin, fragile skin of the neck is quite susceptible to the development of lines and wrinkles. The reason? We move our neck a lot. This constantly moving, creasing and bending can result in wrinkles. Another problematic area is where the neck meets the chin. Known as the submental space, this is the area that is highly prone to developing a collection of fat that is very difficult to remove, even if you eat the right food and exercise regularly.

Submental fat, as it is called, always creates an undesirable appearance that makes people look overweight, even if they are not. How does it do this? It widens the face and neck to cause what is called a turkey-wattle effect that leaves the person with an undefined jawline and you guessed it – a double chin. This area of the neck is very problematic because of the simple fact that you cannot simply tone it with exercises. The removal of submental fat from a historical standpoint is usually done with surgeries like neck lifts or liposuction. However, these procedures carry a lot of risks and side effects and the results are not as always as expected. It is a good thing that there are alternative approaches for double chin reduction that have been developed over the years and are as effective if not better than expensive surgeries and liposuction. What is this miracle treatment? Kybella®. This exciting procedure is FDA approved since 2015 and has been gaining a lot of popularity as an effective double chin reduction treatment. Kybella® is one of the latest and most popular FDA approved injectable treatment designed for preventative aging. A Kybella® injection is designed to target and remove that troublesome neck fat causing double chins. We all know how a double chin can add years to one’s actual age and can make the person look heavier and even haggard looking. This causes feelings of frustration and loss of self-esteem because more often than not, they are not even overweight to begin with.

Kybella® is Safe and Effective

Treatment results from Kybella treatments

The Science Behind Kybella®

The main ingredient behind the magic is a substance known as deoxycholic acid. It is a fat metabolizing agent that naturally occurs in the human body. When you have a Kybella® injection, the deoxycholic acid penetrates the fat membrane resulting in membrane death. This results in fat cells metabolizing naturally once the procedure is over. The result is a beautifully sculpted profile, with better definition and a more slender appearance. The results of your Kybella® injection can typically be noticed visibly within 10-14 days. The treatment continues to improve the neck and chin contours for up to six months.

To look at it in simpler terms, Kybella® destroys the fat cells underneath the chin region. Beautox Bar’s certified and experienced team will administer a series of small injections for double chin reduction, eliminating submental fat and tightening the area. The individual treatment session can be over and done with in as little as 15 to 20 minutes, but the time can vary depending on the needed number of injections to achieve results. For most patients, Kybella® is given over a 6-month period with one treatment session per month.

Who Can Have Kybella®?

Kybella® double chin reduction procedure is recommended for both men and women over the age of 18, in good general health. It is an effective and safe alternative to reduce troublesome submental fat. Patients that have bleeding disorders and pregnant women are advised to postpone treatment. Kybella® may also not be ideal for patients that have existing scars or stretched skin underneath the chin. Want to know if you are a good candidate for a Kybella® injection? Book a consultation at Beautox Bar. We are more than happy to answer any concerns you might have regarding the procedure. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is ready to answer all your questions.

Why is Kybella® Better than Other Procedures?

Kybella® is the only non-surgical procedure designed to treat submental fullness and reduce submental fat or double chins. It uses deoxycholic acid, a substance found naturally in the body to break down dietary fats and facilitate nutrient absorption. When injected, Kybella® effectively breaks down the fat cells. Since this is a particularly fragile area that is susceptible to scarring, swelling and bruising, Kybella® effectively avoids these negative effects using a non-invasive targeted approach to treat the problematic areas safely.

Other treatments such as liposuction are designed to get rid of fat in larger areas like the stomach. This means they are less direct and will need additional care to prevent side effects. Liposuction for example offers less control over how much fat is removed because it is a single surgical procedure. With Kybella®, you get to select the number of treatments needed to get rid of the neck fat without suffering the effects of a neckline that looks hollow and aged. Other procedures can cause more pain as there is not much body tissue to provide a cushion. A Kybella® injection is designed to be as painless as possible.

Non-Invasive is Best

Neck lifts, liposuction and lower facelifts are also effective means for reducing submental fat but the problem with these procedures are not only are they expensive, there are also more risks and considerations before you can have them. Factors such as health, lifestyle, age, current medical problems all play a role whether or not you can be a good candidate for the procedure. The same factors also play a role in the recovery process too. When you elect to have surgery, you need to take time off from work, daily activities and have to arrange for transportation to and from the procedure. Not only that, you will also need help around the house during the initial healing stages after the procedure, as surgical procedures also require a longer recovery time. If a double chin is your primary concern, why expose yourself to the risks and hazards of an elective surgical procedure? With a Kybella® injection you have a safer alternative treatment that have proven similar results, minus all the risks of surgery.

Zero Recovery Time

The beauty of a Kybella® double chin reduction treatment is the fact that you need zero recovery time. The most common side effect, if any at all, that you can encounter is some swelling in the treated area. The good news is it is not very noticeable and in most cases any side effects go away after 48 hours. With surgery, you will require hospitalization and time to recover. A Kybella® injection can be done as a lunchtime procedure. You’re in and out and back at work in no time at all. There is some minimal discomfort as the injection takes effect but this is completely manageable and will not limit your movement.

Best and Lasting Results

Kybella® dissolves the fat on a cellular level and is equally effective in the long run as any other procedure. Look young, feel young and be better looking than ever without that troublesome double chin. See us at Beautox Bar today. No need to continue searching the internet for ‘Kybella® near me’. Just visit our Beautox Bar to book an appointment and check out our other treatments like Botox, Juvederm and B12 shots. We are very excited to help you look your best.

Kybella® was designed as a safe, non-surgical alternative to surgical procedures such as neck lifts and liposuction. It is an established fact that the upper neck region is very difficult to treat and is resistant to diet and exercise. With a Kybella® injection we can get rid of the fat deposits in just a matter of days. No need for dangerous incisions or worrisome general anesthesia. What’s more exciting is recovery is immediate. At Beautox Bar, you can visit us at lunch, have the Kybella® injection and be back at work in the afternoon. No problem.

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